Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation#

DRAGON can be used for a wide range of applications. To apply the package to a particular task, one needs to: * Create a suitable search space with the variables introduced in Search Space. * Select (or implement) a search algorithm such as those presented in Search Algorithm. Depending on the type of search algorithm, it will be necessary to associate neighbor with the variables in the search space, as described in section Search Operators. * Implement a performance evaluation function.

This function should take as input a configuration (and the index of that configuration in the case of algorithms implemented in the package), and return a loss` corresponding to the evaluation of the configuration. The loss and the way it is calculated depends on the task at hand. In general, it is necessary to build a neural network from the configuration, train it and validate it on data sets. Let’s take the example of a problem classifying a vector X \in \mathbb{R}^n, with n \in \mathbb{N}^\star into 10 different classes. We want to find the best performing model among any type of architecture that takes an input of size n to an output of size 10. This type of architecture can be represented by a DAG. However, in order to constrain the output to be of dimension 10, it is necessary to add a final layer that allows the output of any size from the DAG to be converted to a vector of size 10. The DAG and the output layer are associated together within a nn.Module called MetaArchi.

class MetaArchi(nn.Module):
 def __init__(self, args, input_shape):
     # Number of features, here equals to n
     self.input_shape = input_shape

     # The Neural Network will be optimised through a DAG
     self.dag = args['Dag']

     # We set the final layer
     self.output = args["Out"]

 def forward(self, X):
     out = self.dag(X)
     return self.output(out)

The class MetaArchi takes as arguments the variable args which contain the configuration indicating how to build the model and input_shape indicating the shape of the tensors that will be processed. The argument self.dag is an AdjMatrix and self.output is a Node. Their methods set were explained in the Search Space section. They adjust the nn.Module weights to ensure they can handle tensors with the right input shape. The search space used to create the variable args is specified by the user. In the following example, we create a search space made of a DAG only having MLP and Identity layers as candidate operations.

from dragon.search_space.bricks_variables import mlp_var, identity_var, operations_var, mlp_const_var, dag_var, node_var
from dragon.search_space.base_variables import ArrayVar
from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ArrayInterval

# Candidate operations for the DAG: MLP and Identity layers.
candidate_operations = operations_var("Candidate operations", size=10, candidates=[mlp_var("MLP"), identity_var("Identity")])
dag = dag_var("Dag", candidate_operations)
# Output layer with a Softmax activation function for the classification
out = node_var("Out", operation=mlp_const_var('Operation', 10), activation_function=nn.Softmax())
# Global search space
search_space = ArrayVar(dag, out, label="Search Space", neighbor=ArrayInterval())

Finally, the last step is to implement a training and a validation strategy to assess the performance of a configuration from the search space. This can be done by splitting the available dataset into a train and validation set.

def train_model(model, data_loader):
   # Model training through gradient descent
   loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
   optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.05)
   for _ in range(2):
      for X,y in data_loader:
            y = y.squeeze()
            pred = model(X)
            loss = loss_fn(pred,y)
   return model

def validate_model(model, data_loader):
   # Compute the prediction of the trained model on a validation set
   loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
   test_loss, correct = 0, 0
   with torch.no_grad():
      for X, y in data_loader:
         y = y.squeeze(1)
         pred = model(X)
         loss = loss_fn(pred, y).item()
         test_loss += loss
         prediction = pred.argmax(axis=1)
         correct += (prediction == y).sum().item()
   accuracy = correct/ len(data_loader.dataset)
   return accuracy

def loss_function(args, idx, *kwargs):
   labels = [e.label for e in search_space]
   args = dict(zip(labels, args))
   model = MetaArchi(args, input_shape=(16,))
   model = train_model(model, train_loader)
   accuracy = test_model(model, val_loader)
   print(f"Idx = {idx}, loss = {1-accuracy}")
   # Return the loss
   return 1 - accuracy, model

loss, model = loss_function(search_space.random())

The function loss_function can be passed to any DRAGON search algorithm as the evaluation function. The search_space object can be passed as the search_space argument.

from dragon.search_algorithm.ssea import SteadyStateEA

search_algorithm = SteadyStateEA(search_space, n_iterations=20, population_size=5, selection_size=3, evaluation=loss_function, save_dir="save/test_image/")

For more detailed examples of various applications, see: