Main structure#
The variables and their operators can be used to implement various search algorithms. DRAGON uses an abstract class called SearchAlgorithm to structure the algorithms.
class SearchAlgorithm:
def __init__(self, search_space, n_iterations, population_size, evaluation):
self.search_space = search_space
self.n_iterations = n_iterations
self.population_size = population_size
self.evaluation = evaluation
self.min_loss = np.inf
def run(self):
# Generate the first population of configurations
self.population = self.create_first_population()
# Evaluate and process each of these configurations
for i,p in enumerate(self.population):
loss = self.evaluation(idx)
self.process_evaluated_configuration(idx, loss)
if loss < self.min_loss:
self.min_loss = loss
t = population_size
# While the number of iterations has not been reached
while t < n_iterations:
# Select the next configurations
idx_list = self.select_next_configurations()
for idx in idx_list:
# Evaluate the configurations
loss = self.evaluation(idx)
# Process the evaluated configuration
self.process_evaluated_configuration(idx, loss)
if loss < self.min_loss:
self.min_loss = loss
This pseudo-code is a highly simplified, schematic version of the SearchAlgorithm class to help illustrate its main aspects. The class input arguments depend on the application. The search space is a (composed) Variable that can represent all considered configurations. The evaluation function takes a configuration as input, builds the model, trains and evaluates it, and then returns a loss value representing its performance. This function depends on the tasks at hand and should be implemented by the user. It is important to note that the class SearchAlgorithm is made to minimize a value, and thus the evaluation function should return a loss, not a reward. The number n_iterations represents the amount of calls to the evaluation function during training. The SearchAlgorithm class assumes that all search algorithms go through an initialization phase where a certain population is randomly generated and evaluated. Then, until a maximum number of iterations is reached, a configuration is selected and evaluated by a select_next_configuration function, specific to the algorithm in question. Depending on the performance obtained, the algorithm will process this configuration with the process_evaluated_configuration function. A pseudo-code of a select_next_configuration function for the Evolutionary Algorithm is given below.
def select_next_configurations(self):
parent_1, parent_2 = tournament_selection(self.population)
offspring_1, offspring_2 = crossover(parent_1, parent_2)
offspring_1 = self.search_space.neighbor(offspring_1)
offspring_2 = self.search_space.neighbor(offspring_2)
return [offspring_1, offspring_2]
It first selects two parent configurations using a tournament selection strategy. The parents are then modified using a crossover and the mutations implemented as neighbor attributes. When implementing a new search algorithm using the SearchAlgorithm structure, this function has to be specified.
Storage management for Deep Neural Networks#
The objects encoding DAG such as the Bricks, Nodes, and AdjMatrix are all nn.Module that contain trained weights. Therefore, they can take up a lot of memory. To prevent the system from handling too many neural networks, the configurations are cached while the search algorithm is running and only loaded for evaluation or to create a new configuration by mutating them. For this purpose, each configuration is assigned a unique number called idx. A storage dictionary summarizes all the information needed by the search algorithm for each configuration. All algorithms require the loss for each configuration. However, some algorithms leveraging resource allocation may need additional information such as the number of resources a configuration has already received. The storage dictionary is updated during the process_evaluated_configuration. A pseudo-code of the one used by Mutant-UCB is given below.
This function should also be specified when implementing a new search algorithm. The file-based backup system also makes it easy to resume an aborted optimization. The SearchAlgorithm class incrementally saves a CSV file containing information about previously evaluated configurations. This file is used to find the stage where the search algorithm stopped and to continue the search. This is done using the recover_optimization method of the class.
Distributed version through MPI#
The class SearchAlgorithm` allows the distribution of the algorithms on multiple computation nodes of a High Performance Computing (HPC) architecture. This is based on a Message Passing Interface (MPI) with the mpi4py package. The search algorithm relies on a master process and several workers processes, each assigned to a GPU. The master process performs the algorithm’s main steps such as creating the population or selecting the next configurations. It dynamically sends configurations to the workers to evaluate. As soon as a process finishes an evaluation, the master processes the returned model and selects the next one to send to the worker. The worker processes can be associated with a unique GPU. They perform the training and evaluation of the configuration sent by the master. An illustration of the implementation can be found below.
As training a neural network is the most time-consuming part of the search algorithm, distributing the part to several devices makes DRAGON search algorithms more efficient and easily scalable on HPC infrastructures. The SearchAlgorithm class activates by itself the MPI version by looking if the package mpi4py is available.
Implemented Algorithms#
It is possible to implement new search algorithms that extend or not the SearchAlgorithm class. However, some are already available within the package and ready to be used. A Random Search, HyperBand, an Evolutionary Algorithm, and, Mutant-UCB are implemented. For a given application they require the implementation of a search space, a performance evaluation function and the setting of some required parameters such as the path to save the configurations, or the number of iterations.
from dragon.search_algorithm.mutant_ucb import Mutant_UCB
search_algorithm = Mutant_UCB(search_space, save_dir="save/test_mutant", T=20, N=5, K=5, E=0.01, evaluation=loss_function)
For the detailed implementations of these algorithms, see: