
The search space design is based on an abstract class called Variable, originally proposed within a hyperparameters optimization package called zellij. This class can represent various objects from float to tree-based or array-like structures. Each child class should implement a random` method, which represents the rules defining the variable and how to generate random values. The other method to implement is called isconstant` and specifies whether the variable is a constant or not. Variables can be composed to represent more or less complex objects. Among the composed variables, some have been created specifically for the DAG encodings. A variable can be extended by Addons to implement additional features such as the search operators detailed here <../Search_Operators/index.rst>. The structure of a variable definition is the following:

from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Variable

class CustomVar(Variable):

   def __init__(self, label, **kwargs):
      super(CustomVar, self).__init__(label, **kwargs)
      The label is the unique idenfier of a variable within the search space.
      Initialize the variable attribute.

 def random(self, size=None):
     Create `size` random values of the variables

 def isconstant(self):
     Specify is a variable is a constant or not.
     This function might depends on the variable attributes.

All the variables ihnerit from the abstract class Variable. An example of the implementation of a variable for an integer can be found below:

class IntVar(Variable):
   `IntVar` defines a variable discribing Integer variables.
   The user must specify a lower and an upper bounds.
   def __init__(
      self, label, lower, upper, **kwargs):
      super(IntVar, self).__init__(label, **kwargs)
      self.low_bound = lower
      self.up_bound = upper + 1

   def random(self, size=None):
      `size` integers are randomly drawn form the interval `[low_bound, up_bound]`.
      return np.random.randint(self.low_bound, self.up_bound, size, dtype=int)

   def isconstant(self):
      An IntVar is a constant if the upper and the lower bounds are equals.
      return self.up_bound == self.low_bound

This class can be used to create integers:

v = IntVar("An integer variable", 0, 5)

In this example, the variable v` defines an integer taking values from 0 to 5. When calling v.random(), the script returns an integer from this range, here 3.

DRAGON offers the implementage of base and composed variables to create more or less complex search spaces. Among the composed variables, some have been created specifically for the DAG-encodings.

Base variables#

Deep Neural Networks are made of layers. In DRAGON’s case, those layers are nn.Module from PyTorch. The user can integrate any base or custom nn.Module, but has to wrap it into a Brick` object. This Python class takes an input shape and some hyperparameters as arguments and initializes a given nn.Module with these hyperparameters so it can process a tensor of the specified input shape. The forward pass of a Brick can directly apply the layer to an input tensor, or it can be more complex and transform the input data before the operation. Finally, the abstract class Brick also implements a modify_operation method. It takes an input_shape and modifies the shape of the operation weights so that it can take as input a tensor of shape input_shape. This method is applied when the Deep Neural Network is created or modified. The use cases will be detailed below.

Base variables#


Variable Name

Main parameters



Lower / upper bound



Lower / upper bound

Categorical (string, etc)


Features: list of possible choices

Constant (any object)


Value: constant value

Note that the features from a CatVar variable might include Variables and non-variables values. The implementation of the base variables is detailed in the Base Variables section.

Composed variables#

The base variables can be composed to create more complex objects such as arrays of variables.

from dragon.search_space.base_variables import ArrayVar, IntVar, FloatVar, CatVar

a = ArrayVar(IntVar("int_1", 0,8),
 ...              IntVar("int_2", 4,45),
 ...              FloatVar("float_1", 2,12),
 ...              CatVar("cat_1", ["Hello", 87, 2.56]))
[5, 15, 8.483221226216427, 'Hello']

Here we have created an array of four different elements: two integers, one between 0 and 8 and the other between 4 and 45, a float between 2 and 12, and a categorical variable that takes values within [{“Hello”}, 87, 2.56]. For example, a ArrayVar can represent a list of hyperparameters of a machine learning model. Unlike the CatVar features attribute that may contain Variable and non- Variable elements, the attributes of composed variables must inherit from the class Variable. This means that we cannot create an ArrayVar with a simple 5 as argument. To include a constant integer, we have to encode it using a Constant variable.

Composed variables#


Variable Name

Main parameters

Array of Variables


List of Variables

Fix number of repeats


Variable that will be repeated and the number of repetitions.

Random number of repeats


Variable that will be repeated and the maximum number of repetitions.

The implementation of the composed variables is detailed in the Composed Variables section.

Deep Neural Networks Encoding#

Both the base and composed variables have been used to encode Deep Neural Networks architecture and hyperparameters.

Operations and hyperparameters encoding#

The Deep Neural Networks are made of layers. In DRAGON’s case, those layers are nn.Module from PyTorch. The user can use any base or custom nn.Module, but as to wrap it into a Brick object. A brick takes as input an input shape and some hyperparameters and initialize a given nn.Module with these hyperparameters so it can pocess a tensor of the given input shape. The forward pass of a Brick can just apply the layer to an input tensor, or be more complex to transform the input data before the operation. Finally, the abstract class Brick also implements a modify_operation method. It takes as input an input_shape tuple and modifies the operation weights shape, so that the operation may take as input a vector of shape input_shape. This method is applied when the Deep Neural Network is created or modified. The applications case will be detailled below.

import torch.nn as nn
from dragon.search_space.cells import Brick

class Dropout(Brick):
   def __init__(self, input_shape, rate):
      super(Dropout, self).__init__(input_shape)
      self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=rate)
   def forward(self, X):
      X = self.dropout(X)
      return X
   def modify_operation(self, input_shape):
from dragon.search_space.cells import Brick
import torch.nn as nn

class MLP(Brick):
   def __init__(self, input_shape, out_channels):
      super(MLP, self).__init__(input_shape)
      self.in_channels = input_shape[-1]
      self.linear = nn.Linear(self.in_channels, out_channels)
   def forward(self, X):
      X = self.linear(X)
      return X
   def modify_operation(self, input_shape):
      d_in = input_shape[-1]
      diff = d_in - self.in_channels
      sign = diff / np.abs(diff) if diff !=0 else 1
      pad = (int(sign * np.ceil(np.abs(diff)/2)),
             int(sign * np.floor(np.abs(diff))/2))
      self.in_channels = d_in =
            nn.functional.pad(self.linear.weight, pad)

The two blocks of code above show the implementation of a Dropout layer and an MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron), respectively. While the wrapping of the Dropout layer into a Brick object requires minimal modifications, the MLP wrapping necessitates some effort to implement the modify_operation method. Indeed, the shape of the weights of an nn.Linear operation depends on the input tensor dimension.

The variable encoding a Brick is called HpVar. It takes as input a Constant or a CatVar containing a single or several layers implemented a Bricks, as well as a dictionary of hyperparameters. If a CatVar is given as input operation, all the Bricks contained in the CatVar’s features should share the same hyperparameters.

from dragon.search_space.bricks import MLP
from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Constant, IntVar
from dragon.search_space.dragon_variables import HpVar

mlp = Constant("MLP operation", MLP)
hp = {"out_channels": IntVar("out_channels", 1, 10)}
mlp_var = HpVar("MLP var", mlp, hyperparameters=hp)
[<class dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP>,
   {out_channels: 9}]
from dragon.search_space.bricks import LayerNorm1d, BatchNorm1d
from dragon.search_space.base_variables import CatVar
from dragon.search_space.dragon_variables import HpVar

norm = CatVar("1d norm layers", features=[LayerNorm1d, BatchNorm1d])
norm_var = HpVar("Norm var", norm, hyperparameters={})
[<class dragon.search_space.bricks.normalization.BatchNorm1d>, {}]

TThese two examples show how to use HpVar with a Constant and a CatVar operation respectively. Here, the CatVar is made here of two versions of normalization layers which share the same hyperparameters (none in this example). The only hyperparameter that can be optimized for the MLP layer is the size of the output channel, here, an integer between $1$ and $10$. To facilitate the use of DRAGON, operations (such as convolution, attention, pooling, or identity layers) as Brick and their variable HpVar are already implemented in the package. To facilitate the use of DRAGON, operations as Brick and their variable HpVar are already implemented in the package and detailed in the bricks section.

Node encoding#

DRAGON implements Deep Neural Networks as computational graphs, where each node is a succession of a combiner, an operation and an activation function, as detailed in cref{chap:dragon_jmlr}. The operation is encoded as a Brick, as mentioned above. The combiner unifies the (potential) multiple inputs the node might have into one unique tensor. The combiners available in DRAGON are add, mul and concat and are encoded as strings. The activation function can be any PyTorch implemented or custom activation function. An nn.Module object called Node takes as inputs these three elements to create a node. A Node implements several methods. The main ones are: * set_operation: takes as input a variable input_shapes containing the input shapes of the incoming tensors. The method use the combiner to compute the operation input shape and initialize the operation weights with the right shape. The initialized operation is then used to compute the node output shape. This value will be used by the set_operations methods from the child nodes of the current one. * modification: modify the node combiner, operation, hyperparameters or output shape. The modification may happened after a mutation or because the tensor input shape has changed. If the operation is not modified, the method modify_operation from the Brick operation is called to only change the weights. * set: automatically choose between the set_operation and modification methods. * forward: compute the node forward pass from the combiner to the activation function.

The Variable corresponding to a Node is called NodeVariable. It takes as input a Constant or a CatVar for the combiner and the activation functions. The operation is implemented as an HpVar as mentioned above. However, a node can have multiple candidate operations, all of them implemented as different HpVar objects. In this case, instead of directly being given as an HpVar, they are contained within a CatVar. The CatVar features will contain the different HpVar. An example is given below.

from dragon.search_space.base_variables import CatVar
from dragon.search_space.bricks_variables import activation_var
operation=CatVar("Candidates", [mlp_var, norm_var])
candidates = NodeVariable(label = "Candidates",
            combiner=CatVar("Combiner", features=['add', 'concat']),
            operation=CatVar("Candidates", [mlp, pooling]),

The activation functions are encoded through the activation_var object. It is a default CatVar implemented within DRAGON which contains the basic activation functions from PyTorch. The random method from the NodeVariable randomly selects a combiner, an activation function, an operation (in case of a CatVar operation), and draws random hyperparameters.

DAG encoding#

Finally, the last structure presented is the DAG, which (partially) encodes a Deep Neural Network. The object that encodes the graphs is called AdjMatrix and is also a nn.Module. It takes as arguments a list of nodes and an adjacency matrix (a two-dimensional array) representing the edges between these nodes. A method assert_adj_matrix is used to evaluate the correct format of the adjacency matrix (e.g, right number of rows and columns, upper triangular, diagonal full of zeros). The directed acyclic structure of the graph allows ordering the nodes as explained in cref{chap:dragon_jmlr}. Just like the Node object, the AdjMatrix implements a method set that takes as an argument input_shape and calls the method set from each node in that order. The forward pass computation is also done in this order. During the forward computation, the outputs are stored in a list to be used for later nodes of the graph that have them as input.

The Variable that represents the AdjMatrix is called EvoDagVariable. It takes as input a DynamicBlock whose repeated variable would be a NodeVariable. This NodeVariable will have its operation encoded as CatVar in case of multiple candidate layers. A random AdjMatrix is created by first drawing the number of nodes from the graph. Then a random value of NodeVariable is drawn for each node. Finally an AdjMatrix of the right dimension is created.


The implementation of the objects and variables use to encode the Deep Neural Networks (e.g Brick, Node, EvoDagsVariable) is detailed in This section.

The Figure below illustrates how the elements are linked together. The hierarchical composition of the variables creating a DAG allows optimization at various levels, from the graph structure to any operation hyperparameters. Hyperparameters or operations can be imposed to reduce the search space by passing certain operations with constant hyperparameters Constant. This way, we can reconstruct more constrained search spaces close to cell-based search spaces.

Figure made with TikZ