DAG neighborhoods implementation#
- class HpInterval(neighborhood=None, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of an HpVar. Mutate the operation if it is not a constant and the hyperparameters.
- Parameters:
variable (HpVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable
>>> from dragon.search_space.bricks import MLP >>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Constant, IntVar >>> from dragon.search_space.dag_variables import HpVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ConstantInterval, IntInterval >>> from dragon.search_algorithmdag_neighborhoods import HpInterval >>> mlp = Constant("MLP operation", MLP, neighbor=ConstantInterval()) >>> hp = {"out_channels": IntVar("out_channels", 1, 10, neighbor=IntInterval(2))} >>> mlp_var = HpVar("MLP var", mlp, hyperparameters=hp, neighbor=HpInterval()) >>> print(mlp_var) HpVar(MLP var, >>> test_mlp = mlp_var.random() >>> print(test_mlp) [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 2}] >>> mlp_var.neighbor(test_mlp[0], test_mlp[1]) [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 1}]
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class CatHpInterval(neighborhood=None, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of a CatVar of candidates operations. Given a probability neighborhood, draw a neighbor of the current operation, or draw a complete new operation
- Parameters:
variable (CatVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable
neighborhood (float < 1, default=0.9) – Probability of drawing a neighbor instead of changing the whole operation.
>>> from dragon.search_space.bricks import MLP, LayerNorm1d, BatchNorm1d >>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Constant, IntVar, CatVar >>> from dragon.search_space.dag_variables import HpVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ConstantInterval, IntInterval, CatInterval >>> from dragon.search_algorithmdag_neighborhoods import HpInterval, CatHpInterval >>> mlp = Constant("MLP operation", MLP, neighbor=ConstantInterval()) >>> hp = {"out_channels": IntVar("out_channels", 1, 10, neighbor=IntInterval(2))} >>> mlp_var = HpVar("MLP var", mlp, hyperparameters=hp, neighbor=HpInterval()) >>> norm = CatVar("1d norm layers", features=[LayerNorm1d, BatchNorm1d], neighbor=CatInterval()) >>> norm_var = HpVar("Norm var", norm, hyperparameters={}, neighbor=HpInterval()) >>> candidates=CatVar("Candidates", features=[mlp_var, norm_var],neighbor=CatHpInterval(neighborhood=0.4)) >>> print(candidates) CatVar(Candidates, [HpVar(MLP var, , HpVar(Norm var, ]) >>> test_candidates = candidates.random() >>> print(test_candidates) [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 2}] >>> candidates.neighbor(test_candidates[0], test_candidates[1], size=10) [[<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 2}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 1}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.normalization.BatchNorm1d'>, {}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 1}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.normalization.LayerNorm1d'>, {}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 3}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 1}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 2}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 4}], [<class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'>, {'out_channels': 3}]]
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class NodeInterval(neighborhood=None, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of a Node. Change the combiner and/or the operation and/or the hyperparameters and/or the activation function.
- Parameters:
variable (CatVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable
>>> from dragon.search_space.dag_variables import NodeVariable, HpVar >>> from dragon.search_space.bricks import MLP >>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Constant, IntVar, CatVar >>> from dragon.search_space.bricks_variables import activation_var >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ConstantInterval, IntInterval, CatInterval >>> from dragon.search_algorithmdag_neighborhoods import NodeInterval, HpInterval >>> combiner = CatVar("Combiner", features = ['add', 'mul'], neighbor=CatInterval()) >>> operation = HpVar("Operation", Constant("MLP operation", MLP, neighbor=ConstantInterval()), ... hyperparameters={"out_channels": IntVar("out_channels", 1, 10, neighbor=IntInterval(1))}, neighbor=HpInterval()) >>> node = NodeVariable(label="Node variable", ... combiner=combiner, ... operation=operation, ... activation_function=activation_var("Activation"), neighbor=NodeInterval()) >>> print(node) Combiner: CatVar(Combiner, ['add', 'mul']) - Operation: HpVar(Operation, - Act. Function: CatVar(Activation, [ReLU(), LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01), Identity(), Sigmoid(), Tanh(), ELU(alpha=1.0), GELU(approximate='none'), SiLU()]) >>> test_node = node.random() >>> print(test_node)
(combiner) mul – (name) <class ‘dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP’> – (hp) {‘out_channels’: 6} – (activation) LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01) – >>> neighbor = node.neighbor(test_node) >>> print(‘Neighbor: ‘, neighbor) Neighbor: (combiner) add – (name) <class ‘dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP’> – (hp) {‘out_channels’: 6} – (activation) LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01) – >>> neighbor.set((3,)) >>> print(‘Neighbor after setting: ‘, neighbor) Neighbor after setting: (input shape) (3,) – (combiner) add – (op) MLP( (linear): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=6, bias=True) ) – (activation) LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01) – (output shape) (6,) >>> node.neighbor(neighbor)
(input shape) (3,) – (combiner) mul – (op) MLP( (linear): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=5, bias=True) ) – (activation) LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01) – (output shape) (5,)
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class EvoDagInterval(neighborhood=None, variable=None, nb_mutations=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of an EvoDagVariable. May perform several modifications such as adding / deleting nodes, changing the nodes content, adding/removing connections.
- Parameters:
variable (EvoDagVariable, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
>>> from dragon.search_space.dag_variables import HpVar, NodeVariable, EvoDagVariable >>> from dragon.search_space.bricks import MLP, MaxPooling1D, AVGPooling1D >>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Constant, IntVar, CatVar, DynamicBlock >>> from dragon.search_space.bricks_variables import activation_var >>> from dragon.search_algorithmdag_neighborhoods import CatHpInterval, EvoDagInterval, NodeInterval, HpInterval >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ConstantInterval, IntInterval, CatInterval, DynamicBlockInterval >>> mlp = HpVar("Operation", Constant("MLP operation", MLP, neighbor=ConstantInterval()), hyperparameters={"out_channels": IntVar("out_channels", 1, 10, neighbor=IntInterval(5))}, neighbor=HpInterval()) >>> pooling = HpVar("Operation", CatVar("Pooling operation", [MaxPooling1D, AVGPooling1D], neighbor=CatInterval()), hyperparameters={"pool_size": IntVar("pool_size", 1, 5, neighbor=IntInterval(2))}, neighbor=HpInterval()) >>> candidates = NodeVariable(label = "Candidates", ... combiner=CatVar("Combiner", features=['add', 'concat'], neighbor=CatInterval()), ... operation=CatVar("Candidates", [mlp, pooling], neighbor=CatHpInterval(0.4)), ... activation_function=activation_var("Activation"), neighbor=NodeInterval()) >>> operations = DynamicBlock("Operations", candidates, repeat=5, neighbor=DynamicBlockInterval(2)) >>> dag = EvoDagVariable(label="DAG", operations=operations, neighbor=EvoDagInterval()) >>> print(dag) EvoDagVariable(DAG, - Operations: DynamicBlock(Operations, Combiner: CatVar(Combiner, ['add', 'concat']) - Operation: CatVar(Candidates, [HpVar(Operation, , HpVar(Operation, ]) - Act. Function: CatVar(Activation, [ReLU(), LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.01), Identity(), Sigmoid(), Tanh(), ELU(alpha=1.0), GELU(approximate='none'), SiLU()]) >>> test_dag = dag.random() >>> print(test_dag) NODES: [ (combiner) add -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.Identity'> -- (hp) {} -- (activation) Identity() -- , (combiner) add -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.MaxPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 3} -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- , (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.MaxPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 4} -- (activation) Identity() -- ] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]] >>> neighbor = dag.neighbor(test_dag, 3) >>> print(neighbor) [NODES: [ (combiner) add -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.Identity'> -- (hp) {} -- (activation) Identity() -- , (combiner) add -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.MLP'> -- (hp) {'out_channels': 6} -- (activation) ReLU() -- , (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.AVGPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 3} -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- ] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]], NODES: [ (combiner) add -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.Identity'> -- (hp) {} -- (activation) Identity() -- , (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.AVGPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 3} -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- , (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.MaxPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 4} -- (activation) Identity() -- ] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]], NODES: [ (combiner) add -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.basics.Identity'> -- (hp) {} -- (activation) Identity() -- , (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.AVGPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 3} -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- , (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.MaxPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 4} -- (activation) Identity() -- ] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]] >>> neighbor[0].set((3,)) >>> print('First neighbor after setting: ', neighbor) First neighbor after setting: [ModuleList( (0): (input shape) (3,) -- (combiner) add -- (op) Identity() -- (activation) Identity() -- (output shape) (3,) (1): (input shape) (3,) -- (combiner) add -- (op) MLP( (linear): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=6, bias=True) ) -- (activation) ReLU() -- (output shape) (6,) (2): (input shape) (9,) -- (combiner) concat -- (op) AVGPooling1D( (pooling): AvgPool1d(kernel_size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,)) ) -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- (output shape) (3,) ), NODES: [ (input shape) (3,) -- (combiner) add -- (op) Identity() -- (activation) Identity() -- (output shape) (3,), (input shape) (9,) -- (combiner) concat -- (op) AVGPooling1D( (pooling): AvgPool1d(kernel_size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,)) ) -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- (output shape) (3,), (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.MaxPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 4} -- (activation) Identity() -- ] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]], NODES: [ (input shape) (3,) -- (combiner) add -- (op) Identity() -- (activation) Identity() -- (output shape) (3,), (input shape) (9,) -- (combiner) concat -- (op) AVGPooling1D( (pooling): AvgPool1d(kernel_size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,)) ) -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- (output shape) (3,), (combiner) concat -- (name) <class 'dragon.search_space.bricks.pooling.MaxPooling1D'> -- (hp) {'pool_size': 4} -- (activation) Identity() -- ] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]] >>> dag.neighbor(neighbor[0]) NODES: [ (input shape) (3,) -- (combiner) add -- (op) Identity() -- (activation) Identity() -- (output shape) (3,), (input shape) (3,) -- (combiner) concat -- (op) MLP( (linear): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=9, bias=True) ) -- (activation) ReLU() -- (output shape) (9,), (input shape) (12,) -- (combiner) concat -- (op) AVGPooling1D( (pooling): AvgPool1d(kernel_size=(3,), stride=(3,), padding=(0,)) ) -- (activation) Sigmoid() -- (output shape) (4,)] | MATRIX:[[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]
- property neighborhood
- property target
- modification(modif, idx, inter)[source]