Neighborhoods implementation#
Here are presented implementations of neighborhoods that can be used for the base and composed variables.
Base variables#
- class IntInterval(neighborhood, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of an IntVar. Draw a random point in .
- Parameters:
variable (IntVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
neighborhood (int, default=None) –
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import IntVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import IntInterval >>> a = IntVar("test", 0, 5, neighbor=IntInterval(neighborhood=1)) >>> print(a) IntVar(test, [0;6]) >>> a_test = a.random() >>> print(a_test) 4 >>> a.neighbor(a_test) 5
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class FloatInterval(neighborhood, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of a FloatVar. Draw a random point in .
- Parameters:
variable (FloatVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
neighborhood (float, default=None) –
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import FloatVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import FloatInterval >>> a = FloatVar("test", 0, 5, neighbor=FloatInterval(neighborhood=1)) >>> print(a) FloatVar(test, [0;5]) >>> a_test = a.random() >>> print(a_test) 4.0063806879878925 >>> a.neighbor(a_test) 4.477278307217116
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class CatInterval(variable=None, neighborhood=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of a CatVar. Draw a random feature in CatVar.
- Parameters:
variable (CatVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
neighborhood (int, default=None) – Undefined, for CatVar it draws a random feature.
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import CatVar, IntVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import CatInterval, IntInterval >>> a = CatVar("test", ['a', 1, 2.56, IntVar("int", 100 , 200, neighbor=IntInterval(10))], neighbor=CatInterval()) >>> print(a) CatVar(test, ['a', 1, 2.56, IntVar(int, [100;201])]) >>> a.neighbor(120, 10) # 10 neighbors for the value '120' within this search space [188, 2.56, 'a', 1, 'a', 1, 2.56, 151, 151, 1]
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class ConstantInterval(variable=None, neighborhood=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of a Constant. Do nothing. Return the constant.
- Parameters:
variable (Constant, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Constant >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ConstantInterval >>> a = Constant("test", 5, neighbor=ConstantInterval()) >>> print(a) Constant(test, 5) >>> a_test = a.random() >>> print(a_test) 5 >>> a.neighbor(a_test) 5
- property neighborhood
- property target
Composed variables#
- class ArrayInterval(neighborhood=None, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of an ArrayVar. neighbor kwarg must be implemented for all Variable of the ArrayVar. One Variable is modified for each neighbor drawn.
- Parameters:
variable (ArrayVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import ArrayVar, IntVar, FloatVar, CatVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import IntInterval, FloatInterval, CatInterval, ArrayInterval >>> a = ArrayVar(IntVar("int_1", 0,8, neighbor=IntInterval(2)), IntVar("int_2", 4,45, neighbor=IntInterval(10)), ... FloatVar("float_1", 2,12, neighbor=FloatInterval(0.5)), CatVar("cat_1", ["Hello", 87, 2.56], neighbor=CatInterval()), neighbor=ArrayInterval()) >>> print(a) ArrayVar(, [IntVar(int_1, [0;9]),IntVar(int_2, [4;46]),FloatVar(float_1, [2;12]),CatVar(cat_1, ['Hello', 87, 2.56])]) >>> a_test = a.random() >>> print(a_test) [7, 25, 7.631003022147808, 87] >>> a.neighbor(a_test, 10) [[7, 25, 8.003980345265523, 87], [8, 25, 7.631003022147808, 87], [7, 25, 7.631003022147808, 2.56], [8, 25, 7.631003022147808, 87], [7, 25, 7.631003022147808, 'Hello'], [7, 17, 7.631003022147808, 87], [7, 25, 7.631003022147808, 2.56], [7, 25, 7.254907155441848, 87], [7, 25, 7.602659938485088, 87], [7, 25, 7.631003022147808, 'Hello']]
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class BlockInterval(neighborhood=None, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of an BlockInterval. neighbor kwarg must be implemented for all Variable of the BlockInterval.
- Parameters:
variable (Block, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import Block, ArrayVar, FloatVar, IntVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import BlockInterval, ArrayInterval, FloatInterval, IntInterval >>> content = ArrayVar(IntVar("int_1", 0,8, neighbor=IntInterval(2)), IntVar("int_2", 4,45, neighbor=IntInterval(10)), FloatVar("float_1", 2,12, neighbor=FloatInterval(10)), neighbor=ArrayInterval()) >>> a = Block("max size 10 Block", content, 3, neighbor=BlockInterval()) >>> print(a) Block(max size 10 Block, [IntVar(int_1, [0;9]),IntVar(int_2, [4;46]),FloatVar(float_1, [2;12]),]) >>> test_a = a.random() >>> print(test_a) [[5, 4, 10.780991223247005], [1, 11, 11.446866387945619], [8, 44, 2.9377647083768217]] >>> a.neighbor(test_a) [[5, 7, 10.780991223247005], [0, 11, 11.446866387945619], [8, 44, 2.9377647083768217]]
- property neighborhood
- property target
- class DynamicBlockInterval(neighborhood, variable=None)[source]
Addon, used to determine the neighbor of a DynamicBlock. neighbor kwarg must be implemented for all Variable of the BlockInterval.
- Parameters:
variable (IntVar, default=None) – Targeted Variable.
neighborhood (int) – Neighborhood of the DynamicBlock size
>>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import DynamicBlock, ArrayVar, FloatVar, IntVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import DynamicBlockInterval, ArrayInterval, FloatInterval, IntInterval >>> content = ArrayVar(IntVar("int_1", 0,8, neighbor=IntInterval(2)), IntVar("int_2", 4,45, neighbor=IntInterval(10)), FloatVar("float_1", 2,12, neighbor=FloatInterval(10)), neighbor=ArrayInterval()) >>> a = DynamicBlock("max size 10 Block", content, 5, neighbor=DynamicBlockInterval(1)) >>> print(a) DynamicBlock(max size 10 Block, [IntVar(int_1, [0;9]),IntVar(int_2, [4;46]),FloatVar(float_1, [2;12]),]) >>> test_a = a.random() >>> print(test_a) [[4, 10, 7.476654992446498]] >>> a.neighbor(test_a) [[4, 17, 7.476654992446498], [2, 5, 8.057170687346623], [2, 19, 7.316509989314727], [8, 9, 8.294482483654278], [2, 31, 5.36321423474537]]
- property neighborhood
- property target