Source code for dragon.search_algorithm.ssea

from copy import deepcopy
import os
import pickle
import random
from import logger
from dragon.search_operators.crossover import DAGTwoPoint
from dragon.search_algorithm.search_algorithm import SearchAlgorithm
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs] class SteadyStateEA(SearchAlgorithm): """SteadyStateEA Search algorithm implementing the steady-state (asynchronous) search algorithm inheriting from the `SearchAlgorithm` class. It implements a `select_next_configuration` and a `process_evaluated_configuration` methods, specific to the evolutionary algorithm. Parameters ---------- search_space: `Variable` `Variable` containing all the design choices from the search space. It should implement a `random` method and a `neighbor` one. n_iterations: int Number of iterations. population_size: int Size of the population. selection_size: int: Size of the tournament selection. crossover: function, default=DAGTwoPoint() Crossover function to use. evaluation: function Performance evaluation function. Takes as argument a set of configuration and the unique index of this configuration. Returns the performance and the model built. save_dir: str Path towards saving directory. If not empty, the content will be replaced. models: list, default=None List of configurations that should be included into the initial population. pop_path: str, default=None Path towards a directory containing an former evaluation that we aim to continue. verbose: bool, default=False Verbose boolean. Attributes ---------- selection_size: int: Size of the tournament selection. crossover: function, default=DAGTwoPoint() Crossover function to use. sent: dict, default={} Dictionary containing the configurations that are currently evaluated and thus are temporarly removed from the population. search_space: `Variable` `Variable` containing all the design choices from the search space. It should implement a `random` method and a `neighbor` one if necessary. n_iterations: int Number of iterations. population_size: int Size of the randomly initialized population. evaluation: function Performance evaluation function. Takes as argument a set of configuration and the unique index of this configuration. Returns the performance and the model built. save_dir: str Path towards saving directory. If not empty, the content will be replaced. models: list, default=None List of configurations that should be included into the initial population. pop_path: str, default=None Path towards a directory containing an former evaluation that we aim to continue. verbose: bool, default=False Verbose boolean. run: function Run function to use: MPI (run_mpi) or not (run_no_mpi). set_mpi: dict Dictionary containing the MPI parameters. storage: dict, default={} Dictionary storing the configurations from the population. min_loss: float, default=np.min Current minimum loss found. Example -------- >>> from dragon.search_space.base_variables import ArrayVar >>> from dragon.search_operators.base_neighborhoods import ArrayInterval >>> from dragon.search_algorithm.ssea import SteadyStateEA >>> search_space = ArrayVar(dag, label="Search Space", neighbor=ArrayInterval()) >>> search_algorithm = SteadyStateEA(search_space, save_dir="save/test_ssea", n_iterations=20, population_size=5, selection_size=3, evaluation=loss_function) >>> """ def __init__(self, search_space, n_iterations: int, population_size: int, selection_size: int, evaluation, save_dir, models = None, pop_path=None, crossover=DAGTwoPoint(), verbose=False, **args): super(SteadyStateEA, self).__init__(search_space=search_space, n_iterations=n_iterations, init_population_size=population_size, evaluation=evaluation, save_dir=save_dir, models=models, pop_path=pop_path, verbose=verbose) self.selection_size = selection_size self.crossover = crossover
[docs] def select_next_configurations(self): """select_next_configurations() Defines a selection strategy for SSEA. Uses tournament selection of size `self.selection_size` to select two parent configurations. Creates two offsprings by mutating (through the `neighbor` attribute of the configuration) and with the crossover function. Returns ---------- [self.K-1, self.K]: list List containing the indexes of the two offsprings. """ not_selected = True while not_selected: selection = [random.choice(list( for i in range(min(self.selection_size, len(] best_1 = selection[np.argmin([[i]['Loss'] for i in selection])] try: parent1 = with open(f"{self.save_dir}/x_{best_1}.pkl", 'rb') as f: x1 = pickle.load(f) selection = [random.choice(list( for i in range(min(self.selection_size, len(] not_selected=False except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Could not load individual {best_1}/{len(list(}, {e}')[best_1] = parent1 not_selected = True while not_selected: best_2 = selection[np.argmin([[i]['Loss'] for i in selection])] try: parent2 =[best_2][best_2] = parent2 with open(f"{self.save_dir}/x_{best_2}.pkl", 'rb') as f: x2 = pickle.load(f) not_selected = False except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Could not load individual {best_2}/{len(list(}, {e}')[best_1] = parent1 offspring_1, offspring_2 = deepcopy(x1), deepcopy(x2) self.crossover(offspring_1, offspring_2) not_muted = True while not_muted: try: offspring_1 = self.search_space.neighbor(deepcopy(offspring_1)) not_muted = False except Exception as e: logger.error(f"While mutating, an exception was raised: {e}") while not_muted: try: offspring_2 = self.search_space.neighbor(deepcopy(offspring_2)) not_muted = False except Exception as e: logger.error(f"While mutating, an exception was raised: {e}") with open(f"{self.save_dir}/x_{self.K+1}.pkl", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(offspring_1, f) with open(f"{self.save_dir}/x_{self.K+2}.pkl", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(offspring_2, f) del offspring_1 del offspring_2"Evolving {best_1} and {best_2} to {self.K+1} and {self.K+2}") self.K+=2 return [self.K-1, self.K]
[docs] def process_evaluated_configuration(self, idx, loss): """process_evaluated_configuration(idx, loss) Determines if the configuration should be added to the population or not by calling `self.replace_worst_individual(idx, loss)`. Parameters ---------- idx: int Index of the configuration. loss: float Loss of the evaluation. Returns -------- delete: True Boolean indicating if the configuration extra-information should be deleted. In SSEA, only extra-information of the best model are kept. row_pop: dict Dictionary containing evaluation information to be saved within a `.csv` file called `computation_file.csv`. loss: float Loss of the configuration. """ add = True if len(>=self.population_size: add = self.replace_worst_individual(idx, loss) if add:[idx] = {"Loss": loss} return True, pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"Idx": [idx], "Loss": [loss]}), loss
[docs] def replace_worst_individual(self, idx, loss): """replace_worst_individualidx, loss) Determines if the configuration is better than the worst one from the population. If this is the case, removes the worst one from the population and returns True. Else, returns False. Parameters ---------- idx: int Index of the configuration. loss: float Loss of the evaluation. Returns -------- add: boolean Boolean indicating if the configuration should be added to the population. """ idx_max_loss = list([np.argmax([[i]['Loss'] for i in])] if loss <[idx_max_loss]['Loss']:'Replacing {idx_max_loss} by {idx}, removing {self.save_dir}/x_{idx_max_loss}.pkl') os.remove(f"{self.save_dir}/x_{idx_max_loss}.pkl") return True else: os.remove(f"{self.save_dir}/x_{idx}.pkl")'{idx} is the worst element, removing {self.save_dir}/x_{idx}.pkl.') return False